Mr. Le Huu Anh
Phone: 0283.8940 390 – 169
Email: lehuuanh@iuh.edu.vn
Job Description:
- Implement and follow up corrective action after external evaluation.
- Contact with ABET accreditation departments.
- Plan a survey.
- Manager website of Office of Testing and Quality Assurance.
- Data processing about SPSS.
Mrs. Dang Thi Ngoc
Phone: 0283.8940 390 – 169
Email: dangthingoc@iuh.edu.vn
Job Description:
- The focal point for implementing evaluation of training programs is built according to AUN-QA and MoET standards.
- Collect and provide evidence for quality assessment at School level and curriculum level.
- Inform and communicate with units participating in quality assurance activities as planned. Maintain records and evidence of the Office of Testing and Quality assurance.
Mrs. Nguyen Dinh Mai Thy Job Description:
Mrs. Le Thi Hong Van
Phone: 0283.8940 390 – 169
Email: nguyendinhmaithy@iuh.edu.vn
Job Description:
- The focal point for implementing self-assessment of training programs according to AUN-QA and MoET standards.
- The focal point of contact with specialized quality assurance officers at the units to carry out work to serve the quality assurance work at the University level and the training unit level.
- Inform and communicate with units participating in quality assurance activities as planned.
Maintain records and evidence of the Office of Testing and Quality assurance - Perform other duties as assigned by unit leadership.